L&X-shaped stands


It can’t be simpler. Our banner advertising wall is one of the simplest structures of its kind – it’s similar to a wall map you might remember from school days. They attract attention due to their functionality, simplicity and ease of installation. The optimally selected steel stand stabilizes the system, Show more

It can’t be simpler. Our banner advertising wall is one of the simplest structures of its kind – it’s similar to a wall map you might remember from school days. They attract attention due to their functionality, simplicity and ease of installation. The optimally selected steel stand stabilizes the system, while flexible fiberglass masts stretch the printout between the slats. Advertising wall can be transported in a small elongated bag. Adwall L is a professional and proven tool that effectively presents the company and advertises its products thanks to the ability to place a large-format advertising schedule. Billboards of this type are the most economical means of advertising.